Feel Your Feels

Write about them. Share them. Speak them aloud. Acknowledge them.

You deserve the space and time to connect to your Self through FEELING YOUR FEELS.

What are FEELS??

Feels = Emotions

Emotions = Reactions to situations, feelings, thoughts, or sensations

Emotions fight for your attention. Nonstop! But you need to be “on the go.” Isn’t it easier to simply think rather than feel your feels?

Clearly, life is a lot more complicated than feeling happy, excited, comfortable, relieved, etc. Especially when we feel multiple emotions at once or experience unwelcomed ones. You may actually have aversions to some feelings; or, they may bring up physical reactions and unwanted thoughts. You’re human, of course!


So how do humans avoid feelings? We numb and distract.

Numbing or avoiding challenging emotions can look different for everyone. Here are a few examples:

  • Working too hard, too often, or too much. 

  • Focusing on outcomes we can’t control.

  • Distracting ourselves from our own well-being.

  • Spending our energies on others’ realities.

  • Finding ways to move through life on autopilot.

With all your time and energy spent on activities that don’t center or involve your well-being, the possibility of bottling up your emotions increases, leaving you burned out and out of touch with your Self. If that isn’t working for you, please continue to read.


Step 1: Name your emotions. Easier said than done… Or is it?? 

Using the Feelings Wheel below, narrow down the emotion you are feeling right now. Start with the broader emotion in the center of the wheel, and then work your way outward.

Go ahead, try it out! 


  1. Give yourself time to recognize and acknowledge your emotions while taking a moment to just be.

  2. Ask yourself, "How am I feeling right now?" and use the Feelings Wheel to help name the emotion you are feeling.

  3. Determine whether it is the thought(s) in your mind or bodily sensation(s) that indicate you are feeling your named emotion.

  4. Bask in the knowledge that in a matter of seconds or minutes, you have given your Self and your emotions the attention you deserve.

Well done!!

For information about ways to safely feel your feels, please reach out to me. My name is Dyuti and I am a therapist who is here to guide you to learn to prioritize your feelings and emotions in a world that often takes away the space for you to do so. Therapy is a commitment and my aim is to build a long-term partnership over time that will allow us to work together to help you blossom into the “you” that you envision.